Welcome to Waka Premium Kava

How to prepare Waka Kava

Are you ready to experience the rich tradition and relaxation benefits of Kava? Let’s walk you through the traditional method of preparing Waka Kava, ensuring that you achieve the perfect brew for a relaxing and soothing experience.

Preparing Waka Kava Step 1:

To start preparing waka kava, you will need the following items:

✅ A traditional tanoa or a large bowl 

✅ A coconut shell for drinking

✅ Kava powder, such as the popular Fiji’s finest


A straining bag or a set of stockings

Measuring device – preferably tablespoons

Warm water

Preparing Waka Kava Step 2: Water Temperature

A crucial aspect of preparing waka kava is the water temperature. It’s essential to use warm water to effectively release the kavalactones present in Kava. The recommended temperature is slightly above lukewarm to maximize extraction without causing degradation.

Preparing Waka Kava Step 3: Kava Strength and Water Ratios

Different Kava varieties and cultures have varying strengths and water-to-Kava ratios. This guide recommends a standard Vanuatu strength, which involves a ratio of one part Kava to five parts water. However, with Waka Premium, we recommend the Fiji strength of one part Kava to ten parts water. Preparing waka kava using Fiji strength allows for an enjoyable Kava experience without excessive potency.

Step 4: Dispensing and Squeezing the Kava

Measure the specified amount of Kava powder using the tablespoon and place it into the straining bag. Seal the bag and proceed to pour the warm water, ensuring it covers the Kava. Squeeze the bag for approximately 10 minutes, exerting effort to achieve a stronger brew. The concentrated kavalactones released during this process contribute to the Kava’s potency and effectiveness.

Step 5: Serving and Enjoying Your Kava

Once the squeezing process is complete, empty the strained Kava and give your bag a quick wash. The resulting brew should exhibit a balanced color and a noticeable oily film on the surface, indicating the presence of Kavalactones. Remember to stir the Kava before serving to ensure an even distribution of the desirable components.

Now, with your Kava expertly prepared, serve it in the traditional coconut shell and savor the harmonious blend of tradition and relaxation that Waka Premium offers.

This guide sets the stage for your journey into the world of traditional Kava preparation, providing an authentic and fulfilling experience that can seamlessly integrate into your routine.